Number of closure plans for mines with extraction of less than or equal to 10,000 tons. According to Law 20,551 and its regulations, there are two types of approval for closure plans, and they are in accordance with the production capacity of the mine site: the Simplified Procedure and the General Application Procedure.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Number (No.)
Number of closure plans for mines with extraction of less than or equal to 10,000 tons. According to Law 20,551 and its regulations, there are two types of approval for closure plans, and they are in accordance with the production capacity of the mine site: the Simplified Procedure and the General Application Procedure.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Number (No.)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute