Number of metallic mining installations, according to the state of installation. A mining installation can be in an irregular state, active, suspended by penalty, shutdown, temporarily closed, or permanently closed. Additionally, extractive mining facilities include mines, treatment plants, smelters, refineries, dockyard machine shops, workshops, power plants, shipping docks, camps, warehouses, etc.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Number (No.)
Number of metallic mining installations, according to the state of installation. A mining installation can be in an irregular state, active, suspended by penalty, shutdown, temporarily closed, or permanently closed. Additionally, extractive mining facilities include mines, treatment plants, smelters, refineries, dockyard machine shops, workshops, power plants, shipping docks, camps, warehouses, etc.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Number (No.)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute