Total tailings deposits from metallic mining, based on status of tailings. Mine tailings are defined as solid wastes with a "fine suspension of solids in liquid" that mainly consist of the same material present in situ in the deposit from which the fraction with valuable minerals has been extracted. Tailings are generated and disposed of in concentration plants. Together, they define what the status of tailings can be: active, inactive, or abandoned without information.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Number (No.)
Total tailings deposits from metallic mining, based on status of tailings. Mine tailings are defined as solid wastes with a "fine suspension of solids in liquid" that mainly consist of the same material present in situ in the deposit from which the fraction with valuable minerals has been extracted. Tailings are generated and disposed of in concentration plants. Together, they define what the status of tailings can be: active, inactive, or abandoned without information.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin)
Department of Planning, Management Control, and Studies
Number (No.)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute