The volume of discharge of liquid industrial waste, issued by industrial establishments that are qualified and controlled as an issuing source by the Superintendency of the Environment. This measurement is defined according to the receiving body of the company´s discharges of liquid waste.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Department of Information Management
Superintendency of the Environment (SMA)
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Cubic meters (m³)
The volume of discharge of liquid industrial waste, issued by industrial establishments that are qualified and controlled as an issuing source by the Superintendency of the Environment. This measurement is defined according to the receiving body of the company´s discharges of liquid waste.
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
Department of Information Management
Superintendency of the Environment (SMA)
Cubic meters (m³)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute