The indicator refers to the number of persons that following the ILO criteria are classified as unemployed. The unemployed are people in working age who were not employed during the reference week, carried out job search activities during the last four weeks (including the reference period) and were available to work in the next two weeks (after the reference period). The estimates were updated in accordance to the annual review process of the National Labour Force Survey carried out in the April-June quarter. For more information, check the technical note “Policy for the revision and update of figures from the National Labour Force Survey (ENE)”, published on July 30, 2021.
Department of Labour Statistics - National Statistics Institute. Contract: Subdepartment of Citizen Information.
National Labour Force Survey (ENE).
Chilean National Statistical Institute
Methodological Background ENE: Manual, Glossary, Economic activity classifier and more.
Continuous data
Household survey.
The week (Monday to Sunday) before the period of collection. The ENE can have four or five reference weeks, depending on the month. Each week of collection has a mobile reference week that varies according to the week of collection.
Sampling of the ENE has two stages and is probabilistic. The two stages refer to the First Stage Sampling Unit (UPE), which is the block (urban) or section (rural), and the Second Stage Sampling Unit (USE), which is the private occupied dwelling. Probabilistic means that the selection of the UPE in each stratum is proportional to the size of the unit in relation to the number of dwellings (USE) and that the probability of selection of the USE is equal for all dwellings within the UPE.
Thousands of persons.
Dictionary of variables available for download on the website of the database of the National Labour Force Survey.
All the mainland of Chile, except for the Areas of Difficult Access (ADA)
The population living in Chile, excluding collective housing. Also excluded, because of operational problems, are areas of difficult access (ADA) and blocks with seven or fewer dwellings.
Population aged 15 and over who live in the homes of the selected occupied private dwellings.
(1) ICSE classification: Classification of types of occupations, based on a relationship of dependency and subordination. (2) 2012, according to CAENES: Classification used to identify the branch of economic activity of the economic unit that pays the employed person or that the employed person owns.
There is no imputation in the National Labour Force Survey.
See definitions of employed persons, unemployed, labour force, and people outside the labour force, as well as its construction using the questionnaire in the Methodological Manual.
Monthly Bulletin of the ENE - Database - Tabulations.
See Methodological Manual, sampling weights section.
As part of the process of strengthening the National Labour Force Survey (ENE), the platform includes estimates that apply the calibration method of sampling weights according to the base population projections of the 2017 Census. Series corresponding to calibration based on population projections from the 2002 Census were discontinued.
The quality of the estimates are evaluated according to the "Standard for evaluating the quality of estimates in household surveys".
The indicator refers to the number of persons that following the ILO criteria are classified as unemployed. The unemployed are people in working age who were not employed during the reference week, carried out job search activities during the last four weeks (including the reference period) and were available to work in the next two weeks (after the reference period). The estimates were updated in accordance to the annual review process of the National Labour Force Survey carried out in the April-June quarter. For more information, check the technical note “Policy for the revision and update of figures from the National Labour Force Survey (ENE)”, published on July 30, 2021.
Department of Labour Statistics - National Statistics Institute. Contract: Subdepartment of Citizen Information.
Household survey.
National Labour Force Survey (ENE).
Chilean National Statistical Institute
Continuous data
Methodological Background ENE: Manual, Glossary, Economic activity classifier and more.
Thousands of persons.
Dictionary of variables available for download on the website of the database of the National Labour Force Survey.
Sampling of the ENE has two stages and is probabilistic. The two stages refer to the First Stage Sampling Unit (UPE), which is the block (urban) or section (rural), and the Second Stage Sampling Unit (USE), which is the private occupied dwelling. Probabilistic means that the selection of the UPE in each stratum is proportional to the size of the unit in relation to the number of dwellings (USE) and that the probability of selection of the USE is equal for all dwellings within the UPE.
The week (Monday to Sunday) before the period of collection. The ENE can have four or five reference weeks, depending on the month. Each week of collection has a mobile reference week that varies according to the week of collection.
Population aged 15 and over who live in the homes of the selected occupied private dwellings.
All the mainland of Chile, except for the Areas of Difficult Access (ADA)
The population living in Chile, excluding collective housing. Also excluded, because of operational problems, are areas of difficult access (ADA) and blocks with seven or fewer dwellings.
See definitions of employed persons, unemployed, labour force, and people outside the labour force, as well as its construction using the questionnaire in the Methodological Manual.
(1) ICSE classification: Classification of types of occupations, based on a relationship of dependency and subordination. (2) 2012, according to CAENES: Classification used to identify the branch of economic activity of the economic unit that pays the employed person or that the employed person owns.
There is no imputation in the National Labour Force Survey.
See Methodological Manual, sampling weights section.
Monthly Bulletin of the ENE - Database - Tabulations.
The quality of the estimates are evaluated according to the "Standard for evaluating the quality of estimates in household surveys".
As part of the process of strengthening the National Labour Force Survey (ENE), the platform includes estimates that apply the calibration method of sampling weights according to the base population projections of the 2017 Census. Series corresponding to calibration based on population projections from the 2002 Census were discontinued.