Concentration of dissolved metals (cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, lead y zinc) in the seawater column. It is expressed in ?/l (Source: Directorate of the Maritime Territory Merchant Marine (Directemar)).
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Department for the Preservation of the Aquatic Environment and the Fight against Pollution
Directorate of Maritime Affairs and the Aquatic Environment (Directemar)
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Micrograms per liter (µ/l)
Concentration of dissolved metals (cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, lead y zinc) in the seawater column. It is expressed in ?/l (Source: Directorate of the Maritime Territory Merchant Marine (Directemar)).
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
Department for the Preservation of the Aquatic Environment and the Fight against Pollution
Directorate of Maritime Affairs and the Aquatic Environment (Directemar)
Micrograms per liter (µ/l)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute