Total area of soils covered by snow and glaciers disaggregated according to the river basin in which they are located. A glacier is defined as the "mass of land ice flowing down a slope (by deformation of its internal structure and by sliding at its base) and enclosed by topographic elements (such as the slopes of a valley or adjacent peaks) surrounding it. The topography of the bedrock is the most influential factor in the dynamics of a glacier and in the slope of its surface. A glacier subsists because of the massive accumulation of snow, which is compensated by the melting of ice at low altitudes or discharge into the sea".
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Directorate-General of Water (DGA)
Hydrometric Network
Administrative record
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Square kilometers (Km2)
Total area of soils covered by snow and glaciers disaggregated according to the river basin in which they are located. A glacier is defined as the "mass of land ice flowing down a slope (by deformation of its internal structure and by sliding at its base) and enclosed by topographic elements (such as the slopes of a valley or adjacent peaks) surrounding it. The topography of the bedrock is the most influential factor in the dynamics of a glacier and in the slope of its surface. A glacier subsists because of the massive accumulation of snow, which is compensated by the melting of ice at low altitudes or discharge into the sea".
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute
Administrative record
Directorate-General of Water (DGA)
Hydrometric Network
Square kilometers (Km2)
Subdepartment of Environment Statistics - National Statistics Institute