Data by theme
Burning type
Region Province CommuneRegion of Arica y ParinacotaRegion of TarapacáRegion of AntofagastaRegion of AtacamaRegion of CoquimboRegion of ValparaísoRegion of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O´HigginsRegion of MauleRegión of BiobíoRegion of La AraucaníaRegion of Los RíosRegion of Los LagosRegion of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibánez del CampoRegion of Magallanes y La Antártica ChilenaRegion Metropolitana de SantiagoRegion of Ñuble
2010........1 632.01 188.49 889.66 644.250 255.072 507.17 270.612 341.9692.196.83 903.4..
2011........1 206.92 006.510 746.09 252.148 472.8117 631.18 298.112 251.5559.0105.34 207.3..
2012........981.01 982.910 824.510 717.053 080.3116 358.38 716.512 935.01 124.988.13 148.2..
2013......142.2827.21 802.213 811.810 197.061 985.8141 915.09 712.115 589.32 080.98.03 042.6..
2014......624.1896.71 944.011 451.89 698.556 684.1136 366.18 039.810 448.21 424.75.22 549.1..
2015......137.7481.71 978.45 432.311 201.850 178.499 071.22 997.74 921.11 615.939.62 111.9..
2016....0.7306.9660.51 655.86 733.110 442.051 026.7147 459.65 485.99 517.31 412.629.22 339.4..
2017152.90.95.4206.6613.7931.05 888.38 235.251 323.5147 891.49 290.712 256.3880.133.51 434.5..
2018370.69.24.4128.5798.21 222.47 011.510 978.652 427.7137 924.86 287.97 421.0597.139.61 175.0..
2019440.022.515.3104.3439.0973.03 366.29 841.919 879.1158 548.36 337.08 458.8423.08.7793.541 390.3
2020154.51.77.8268.1180.2284.31 045.66 168.615 302.9115 636.16 080.45 534.2341.03.81 069.632 267.4
2021280.415.719.1180.0231.6398.13 011.84 450.512 388.9108 319.45 797.59 280.2321.45.9406.835 576.5
2022237.513.813.895.9199.5308.9918.63 741.311 487.2112 238.54 379.05 768.9158.51.0547.030 100.6
Data extracted on 12 dic 2024 19:18 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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