Data by theme
Region Province CommuneRegion of Arica y ParinacotaRegion of TarapacáRegion of AntofagastaRegion of AtacamaRegion of CoquimboRegion of ValparaísoRegion of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O´HigginsRegion of MauleRegión of BiobíoRegion of La AraucaníaRegion of Los RíosRegion of Los LagosRegion of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibánez del CampoRegion of Magallanes y La Antártica ChilenaRegion Metropolitana de SantiagoRegion of Ñuble
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
2015649.0297.0468.07 669.08 355.010 438.027 268.025 801.031 054.027 001.04 684.049 131.018 098.0671.015 963.0..
2016669.0482.2551.75 541.67 978.12 639.825 287.229 217.022 392.734 512.313 822.865 836.115 028.24 614.04 836.6..
2017640.01 527.0227.0947.08 164.03 600.013 974.033 712.023 488.018 824.017 301.035 081.05 289.048 457.03 353.0..
2018461.61 467.6280.51 022.75 882.74 286.712 759.231 147.515 602.419 664.817 798.141 748.94 937.149 467.82 997.2..
2019527.61 418.6259.3991.919 696.34 120.712 004.021 986.56 054.518 598.014 764.631 337.95 437.332 512.72 904.38 321.0
2020453.91 186.5349.11 054.816 131.84 038.111 122.523 596.76 201.723 217.514 642.030 929.47 398.728 753.12 678.48 618.0
20211 946.0496.01 008.017 567.02 351.02 143.020 407.016 002.015 489.020 881.029 437.024 406.04 033.05 742.05 473.011 949.0
20221 144.6756.9312.4875.311 676.21 116.17 099.517 476.54 909.516 491.311 216.818 484.56 749.542 224.72 005.17 517.2
2023211.6555.7260.0734.53 074.73 083.13 827.113 893.83 689.87 592.46 418.910 333.21 787.448 469.81 468.15 745.3
Data extracted on 18 Feb 2025 02:52 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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