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Labor Market Statistics
Environment Statistics
Environment Statistics
VBA Module - State - Air
Absolute maximum temperature
Absolute minimum temperature
Average temperature
Average maximum temperature
Average minimum temperature
Average monthly relative humidity
Average global radiation
Average UV-B Index
Average monthly concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5)
Annual hourly máximum concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5)
Annual hourly mínimum concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5)
Concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5) to the 50th Percentile
Concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5) to the 90th Percentile
Concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2.5) to the 95th Percentile
Concentration of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5) to the 98th Percentile
Average monthly concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10)
Annual hourly maximum concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10)
Annual hourly minimum concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10)
Concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10) at the 50th Percentile
Concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10) at the 90th Percentile
Concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10) at the 95th Percentile
Concentration of breathable particulate matter (PM10) at the 98th Percentile
Average monthly concentration of ozone (O3)
Annual hourly máximum concentration of ozone (O3)
Annual hourly minimum concentration of ozone (O3)
Concentration of ozone (O3) at the 50th Percentile
Concentration of ozone (O3) at the 90th Percentile
Concentration of ozone (O3) at the 95th Percentile
Concentration of ozone (O3) at the 98th Percentile
Concentration of ozone (O3) at the 99th Percentile
Average monthly concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Annual hourly maximum concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Annual minimum concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at the 50th Percentile
Concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at the 90th Percentile
Concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at the 95th percentile
Concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at the 99th percentile
Average monthly concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Annual hourly maximum concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Annual hourly minimum concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to the 50th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to the 90th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to 98th Percentile
Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to the 99th percentile
Average monthly concentration of carbon monoxide (CO)
Annual hourly maximum concentration of carbon monoxide (CO)
Annual hourly minimum concentration of carbon monoxide (CO)
Concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) to the 50th percentile
Concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) to the 90th percentile
Concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) to the 95th percentile
Concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) to the 98th percentile
Concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) to the 99th percentile (ppm)
Average monthly concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO)
Maximum hourly annual concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO)
Minimum hourly annual concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO)
Nitrogen monoxide (NO) concentration at the 50th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO) at the 90th percentile
Nitrogen monoxide (NO) concentration at the 98th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO) at the 99th percentile
Average monthly concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx)
Maximum hourly anual concentration of nitrogen oxide (Nox)
Minimum hourly annual concentration of nitrogen oxide
Concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the 50th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the 90th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the 98th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the 99th percentile
Concentration of sulfur dioxide (SO2) at the 98th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at the 95th percentile
Concentration of nitrogen monoxide (NO) at the 95th percentile
Concentration of of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the 95th percentile
Number of heat waves
VBA Module - State - Water
Average rate of flowing water
Volume of the reservoir, by reservoir
Static groundwater level
Amount of precipitation
Snow depth, equivalent in water
Real evaporation, by station
Number of glaciers, by river basin
Surface of glaciers, by river basin
Estimated glacier ice volume, by river basin
Estimated water volume of glaciers, by river basin
Average sea level
Sea surface temperature
Concentration of dissolved metals in aqueous matrix
Concentration of fecal coliforms in aqueous matrix
Total metal concentration in the sedimentary matrix
Concentration of fecal coliforms in biological matrix
VBA Module - State - Lands and Soils
Surface of urban and industrial areas
Surface of agricultural areas
Surface of meadows and bushes
Forest Surface
Surface of wetlands
Surface of areas devoid of vegetation
Surface of snow and glaciers
Surface of bodies of water
Surface of unrecognized areas
Surface area of native forest, by forest type
Surface area of native forest, by forest structure
Surface area of forest plantation, by forest species
Surface area of forest plantation, by forest structure
Total area of native forest
Total area of forest plantation
Total area of mixed forest
Agricultural surface under gravitational irrigation
Agricultural area under large mechanical irrigation
Agricultural area under micro-irrigation
VBA Module- State - Biodiversity
Number of species of extinct flora, by clas
Number of flora species extinct in the wild, by class
Number of critically endangered species of flora, by class
Number of endangered species of flora, by class
Number of vulnerable flora species, by class
Number of near threatened flora species, by class
Number of flora species of least concern, by class
Number of flora species with deficient data, by class
Number of extinct fauna species, by class
Number of extinct fauna species in wild state, by class
Number of critically endangered fauna species, by class
Number of endangered fauna species, by class
Number of vulnerable fauna species, by class
Number of near threatened fauna species, by class
Number of fauna species of least concern, by class
Number of fauna species with deficient data, by class
VBA module - Pressure - Air
Total emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from mobile source
Total emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) from mobiles sources
Total emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from mobile source
Total emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from mobile source
Total emissions of total Hydrocarbons (HCT) from mobile source
Total emissions of methane (CH4) from mobiles sources
Total emissions of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) from mobile source
Total emissions of mercury (Hg) from mobiles sources
Total emissions of Carbon Monoxide (CO) from mobile source
Total emissions of particulate matter (PM) from mobiles sources
Total emissions of breathable particulate matter (MP10) from mobile source
Total emissions of breathable fine particulate matter (MP2,5) from mobile source
Total emissions of ammonia (NH3) from mobiles sources
Total emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from mobile source
Consumption of ozone depleting substances
VBA module - Pressure - Water
Spillage of pollutants, according to pollutant
Volume of discharge of liquid industrial waste, by type of receiving waterbody
Number of industrial establishments qualified as sources of liquid industrial waste
Number of pipelines of industrial establishments qualified as emitting sources of liquid industrial waste, by to type of receiving waterbody
Total emissions D.S.N 90/2000, by pollutant
Total emissions D.S.N 46/2002, according to pollutant
Discharge volume of liquid industrial waste, by sector of production
VBA Module - Pressure - Land and Soils
Area affected with land use changes
Total length of road network, concrete pavement type
Total length of road network, asphalt pavement type
Total length of road network, stabilized gravel type
Total length of road network, ground type
Number of active mining sites
Number of abandoned mining sites
Number of metallic mining tailings deposits, by status of tailings
Number of non-metallic mining tailings deposits, by status of tailings
Number of metallic mining installations, by status of facility
Number of non-metallic mining facilities, by status of the facility
VBA module - Pressure - Biodiversity
Area with forest plantations affected by fires, by forest species
Number of forest fires, by general cause
Surface with natural vegetation affected by forest fires, by type of vegetation
Surface area damaged by forest fires, by general cause
Number of forest fires that have affected protected wild areas
Surface area of protected wild areas affected by forest fires
VBA Module-Response - Air
Number of environmental alerts verified
Number of environmental pre-emergencies verified
Number of environmental emergencies verified
VBA Module-Response - Water
Number of applications for surface water rights, by nature of water and type of right
Number of surface water rights, by nature of water and type of right
Number of applications to explore groundwater
Number of authorizations to explore groundwater
Number of sectors declared as restricted area for groundwater extraction
Number of groundwater rights requested
Number of groundwater development rights established
Surface area of sectors declared as restricted area for groundwater extraction
Number of sectors prohibited from groundwater extraction
Area of sectors prohibited from groundwater extraction
Number of stations of the Littoral Environment Observation Program (LEOP), by Maritime Governance
Number of controlled pipelines
Directemar staffing number, by Maritime Governance
Number of complaints about the discharge of liquid industrial waste, by type of complainant
Number of audits of emitters of liquid industrial waste, by type of receiving body
Number of infractions initiated against industrial establishments for discharging liquid industrial waste, by sanctioning procedure and by type of infraction
Number of infractions initiated against industrial establishments for discharging liquid industrial waste, by initiated sanctioning procedure and by type of sanction
Number of complaints received for environmental emergencies in waters, by Maritime Governance
VBA Module-Response - Lands and Soils
Number of urban green areas, by type
Surface area of urban green areas, by type
Number of urban parks managed by Metropolitan Park
Surface area of urban parks managed by Metropolitan Park, by park
Number of executed projects of sustainable agriculture and the environment
Amount of investment in executed projects of sustainable agriculture and the environment
Number of subsidies for irrigation projects
Total investment of irrigation project bonuses
Number of management plans submitted to the Soil Recovery Program
Total area of management plans submitted to the Soil Recovery Program
Number of management plans subsidized by the Soil Recovery Program
Number of pesticides authorized by SAG, by type of serie
Number of pesticides authorized by the SAG, by toxicity
Amount of investment in executed projects through the Program System of Incentives for the Agro-environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Soils (Millions CLP)
Number of executed projects belonging to the Associative Irrigation Program (AIP) with Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Systems (NCRE)
Number of executed projects belonging to the Intrapredial Irrigation Program (IIP) with Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Systems (NCRE)
Surface area with executed projects belonging to the Intrapredial Irrigation Program (PRI) with Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Systems (ERNC)
Number of users benefited by the Program of Incentives for the Agro-Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Soils (SIRSD-S)
Surface area of executed projects belonging to the Program of Incentives for Agro-Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Soils (SIRSD-S)
Number of plans to close mining sites over 10,000 tons of mineral extraction, by type of procedure
Number of closure plans for mines of 10,000 tons or less of mineral extraction, by type of procedure
Total area of management plans subsidized by the Soil Recovery Program
Total amount requested to the Soil Recovery Program
Total amount subsidized by the Soil Recovery Program
VBA Module-Response - Biodiversity
Number of SAG permits for cutting and exploitation of Quillay
Number of permits for the transfer of the endemic Chilean palm
Number of third party complaints processed for unauthorized logging in native forest (No.)
Number of inspections in native forest, by purpose of the inspection (No.)
Number of infractions in native forest, by type of infraction and purpose of the inspection (No.)
Number of burn warnings, according to type of burn
Number of forest fire brigade personnel
Number of forest fires investigated, by causality
Total area with approved management plan for native forest
Total area with approved management plan for plantation forestry
Total area with forest plantation subsidy (DL 701), according to type of subsidy
Total area with subsidies for native forest (Law 20,283), according to type of subsidy
Number of audits carried out in larch forests (Decree 490)
Number of SAG permits for quillay removal
Number of SAG permits for cutting, exploitation and transfer of Chilean Palm
Area treated by burning, according to type of burn
Area inspected in native forest, by purpose of the inspection (ha)
Area infringed in native forest, by type of infraction and purpose of inspection (ha)
Number of infractions to the hunting law with final judgment
Number of SAG inspectors, ad honorem
Number of wildlife keepers, by type of keeper
Number of exemptions for wildlife keepers, by type of keeper
Number of hunting permits, by type of permit
Number of permits for scientific capture of protected wildlife, by taxon
VBA Module-Response - Transversal
Number of municipalities with environmental certification, according to level of certification
Number of Environmental Protection Fund Projects (FPA) implemented, according to type of tender
Investment in completed Environmental Protection Fund (FPA) projects, according to type of tender
Number of Environmental Impact Statements (DIA) entered into the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA), by productive sector
Number of Environmental Impact Statements (DIA) entered into the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) with an approved Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA), by productive sector
Number of projects submitted to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), by typology
Number of projects from Clean Production Agreements, according to sector of production
Total investment in projects from Clean Production Agreements, according to sector of production
Number of facilities used in radioactive waste management, by type of management
Number of landfills, according to type
Number of dumps
Isotopic composition of deuterium in precipitations, by monitoring station
Isotopic composition of oxygen-18 in precipitations, by monitoring station
Surface area of National Parks, by National Park
Surface of National Reserves, by National Reserve
Surface area of Nature Sanctuaries, by Nature Sanctuary
Surface area of Nature Sanctuaries, by Nature Sanctuary
Area of Marine Parks, according to Marine Park
Area of Marine Reserves, by Marine Reserve
Surface of Coastal Protected Marine Areas of Multiple Uses (PMA - MU), by PMA
Surface area of Ramsar sites, by Ramsar site
Number of visitors, by protected are
Number of infractions for discharge of liquid industrial waste by establishments, by completed sanctioning procedure and by type of term
Amount of fines for infringement of regulations on liquid industrial waste, by sector of production
VBA Module-Power Drive - Transversal
Sown area, by type of crop (non-transgenic)
Area sown with transgenics, by transgenic species
Total livestock animal population, by species
Forested area with forest plantation
Reforested area with forest plantation
Total consumption of logs
Industrial consumption of logs by region of origin of logs
Total artisanal disembarkation, by hydrobiological resource
Total industrial disembarkation, by hydrobiological resource
Total harvest in aquaculture centers, by hydrobiological resource
Metallic mining production, by category and mineral
Non-metallic mining production, by mineral
Regional copper production
Industrial production of sawn wood, by species
Industrial production of wood-based panels and veneer sheets, by type
Wood pulp production, by type
Paper and paperboard production, by type
Meat production, by type
Volume of processed milk from the smaller dairy farms
Gross production of primary energy, by energy product
Gross production of secondary energy, by energy product
Import of primary energy, by energy product
Import of secondary energy, by energy product
Exportation of primary energy, by energy product
Export of secondary energy, by energy product
Final consumption of primary energy, by energy product
Final consumption of secondary energy, by energy product
Generation of nuclear energy
Final energy consumption by industrial sector, by energy product
Final energy consumption in mining sector, by energy product
Final energy consumption residential sector, by energy product
Final consumption of energy, commerce / public sector, by energy product
Final consumption of energy transport sector, by energy product
Population supplied from rural drinking water
Volume of radioactive waste generated in Chile, by type of waste
Number of disused sealed radioactive units from industries, by radioactive element
Number of disused sealed radioactive units from hospitals, by radioactive element
Number of disused sealed radioactive units from research, by radioactive element
Importation of pesticides, by type
Exportation of pesticides, by type
Importation of fertilizers, by type
Exportation of fertilizers, by type
Imported sawn-brushed wood
Import of wooden boards and sheets
Import of wood pulp
Import of paper and cardboard
Export of logs
Export of sawn-planed wood
Export of wood-based panels and veneer sheets
Exportation of wood pulp
Export of paper and cardboard
Amount exported from native woods, by species
Amount of forest exports
Amount of forest exports, by product
Amount of forestry imports, by country of origin
Volume of transgenic seed exports by transgenic species and country of destination
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F00005002: Non-metallic mining production, by mineral(t)
Year [25 / 25]
Metallic and non-metallic minerals [25 / 26]
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Metallic and non-metallic minerals
Calcium Carbonate
Sodium chloride
Sulfur compounds
Boron compounds
Lithium compounds
Potassium compounds
Silicon resources
Phosphoric rocks
Ornamental rocks
Copper sulfate
Sodium sulfate
17 291
1 430
5 998 601
6 207 266
288 306
29 184
593 741
14 868
16 473
1 460
881 682
2 930
911 913
641 115
31 405
1 485
51 928
780 676
9 722
64 186
5 617 612
6 074 426
328 855
30 392
745 108
14 477
20 016
1 346
916 200
1 606
957 536
576 645
20 408
58 026
886 294
9 317
31 146
1 026
5 395 215
5 082 911
347 797
35 869
790 587
14 892
12 506
2 311
988 410
1 845
829 563
575 957
18 524
56 501
375 847
10 474
35 325
5 526 460
5 989 416
337 387
31 320
918 257
15 408
29 940
2 867
1 072 273
3 385
784 911
538 116
18 977
67 760
516 876
11 355
41 887
5 887 695
3 502 613
440 293
35 242
943 808
16 380
31 439
3 069
1 174 232
2 974
826 407
879 301
19 541
70 776
609 550
11 648
61 410
5 905 502
6 213 473
409 293
41 667
921 239
15 775
17 308
6 690
1 133 921
3 534
1 242 094
915 769
21 300
44 011
662 259
15 580
102 120
6 516 218
4 938 928
602 736
44 465
920 034
24 131
27 436
4 838
1 402 366
2 271
1 535 228
1 085 412
21 465
5 871
30 622
630 444
14 931
104 755
6 782 686
6 067 583
4 784 871
469 457
44 276
895 916
16 418
24 903
5 820
1 282 815
3 315
1 620 099
1 151 443
20 363
4 841
9 659
15 730
660 753
15 346
164 082
7 145 280
4 580 471
4 757 046
468 091
51 201
817 855
19 104
24 006
5 847
1 111 771
1 257
1 423 144
1 081 352
13 836
12 580
5 124
845 331
16 494
186 675
7 196 471
4 403 743
4 570 707
535 071
59 637
846 545
25 405
13 791
6 704
1 160 384
1 340
1 135 771
1 233 535
25 073
15 081
10 217
773 119
15 473
146 745
7 295 462
6 431 029
4 722 996
590 999
56 881
917 091
25 497
14 263
17 834
1 157 582
1 147
1 063 176
1 400 766
41 186
11 605
12 971
773 794
15 503
124 064
6 011 665
8 382 215
4 895 207
613 135
30 538
1 130 952
23 027
9 079
1 048 706
919 249
1 404 521
13 292
7 270
11 860
723 928
17 399
100 030
6 518 417
7 694 879
4 879 450
503 609
52 851
1 525 996
30 925
7 723
1 058 712
1 126
824 049
1 326 293
50 528
6 185
12 023
1 343
758 011
15 793
108 536
6 269 692
9 966 038
4 913 000
491 421
69 597
1 371 689
22 938
1 498
7 562
927 922
816 565
1 236 843
15 929
7 318
11 187
917 759
16 000
68 328
6 657 824
8 057 130
4 681 966
449 572
71 594
1 686 408
23 021
6 399
822 584
826 779
1 267 476
15 601
6 752
8 814
799 064
17 494
62 503
6 454 017
6 576 960
4 508 772
582 074
60 646
1 901 215
27 092
3 874
759 384
4 800
800 031
1 358 148
14 956
9 122
8 869
1 015 158
20 656
77 986
6 849 546
10 553 440
4 629 733
496 533
62 253
1 870 301
31 000
4 233
722 131
809 879
1 193 267
22 859
8 629
10 292
2 276
843 490
18 989
90 600
6 696 269
11 831 116
4 551 456
517 584
56 375
1 889 075
26 186
6 577
795 330
3 000
804 121
1 257 713
19 483
5 400
9 496
2 306
860 075
21 179
80 401
7 376 096
8 139 914
4 879 495
663 153
78 182
2 087 828
26 937
6 352
805 873
5 500
840 976
1 311 305
6 205
7 687
11 410
3 621
934 033
18 758
84 446
7 023 205
7 440 741
4 661 886
718 618
81 378
1 975 251
27 557
4 421
852 922
4 210
838 890
1 439 616
4 238
6 245
11 893
7 908
1 157 466
17 976
101 494
6 619 275
10 012 105
4 515 156
398 411
97 323
1 569 067
24 736
2 789
949 434
5 020
803 916
1 376 389
4 154
3 511
13 523
6 249
909 191
20 216
62 353
4 864 005
10 476 823
3 862 750
352 255
112 607
1 082 059
21 328
867 585
4 700
680 771
1 290 789
3 405
3 623
8 058
1 851
977 397
20 826
93 350
5 185 567
9 574 159
4 514 231
393 573
124 602
1 535 189
21 477
15 822
996 515
672 166
1 174 138
2 091
2 806
8 130
1 747
910 310
21 941
107 670
5 670 915
8 565 307
4 282 533
363 032
162 477
1 415 177
27 096
25 097
955 516
718 677
1 536 357
2 229
2 824
8 728
3 166
1 007 206
19 194
104 036
4 954 658
10 501 352
4 081 692
421 935
303 241
1 071 641
24 279
38 496
843 322
725 085
1 541 137
3 346
9 092
2 547
978 846
20 616
Data extracted on 13 oct 2024 23:13 UTC (GMT) from
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