Data by theme
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Nationwide total350 239449 669282 964
Region of Arica y Parinacota253 073307 125214 280
Region of Tarapacá
(u459 127
(u808 772
250 434
Region of Antofagasta313 175418 561236 856
Region of Atacama269 836
(v395 324
187 811
Region of Coquimbo285 674352 792237 484
Region of Valparaíso314 585391 298271 951
Region Metropolitana de Santiago404 521518 360329 105
Region of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O'Higgins321 922425 450261 220
Region of Maule262 211307 040225 062
Region of ÑubleInformation onrow245 407256 972236 996
Region of BiobíoInformation onrow285 186354 280238 485
Region of La Araucanía336 404
(v453 784
254 126
Region of Los Ríos348 003420 498
(v290 493
Region of Los Lagos365 239
(v498 606
231 127
Region of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo357 904491 359277 719
Region of Magallanes y La Antártica Chilena
(v546 359
(u683 051
(v427 515
Not applicable......
uUnreliable estimate (Less than 60 cases recorded in the sample, freedom degrees under 9 or coefficient of variation greater than 30%)
vPoorly reliable estimate (coefficient of variation greater than 15% and less or equal to 30%)
Data extracted on 12 Dec 2024 20:49 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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