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Labor Market Statistics
Environment Statistics
Labor Market Statistics
National Employment Survey (ENE)
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
Province, mobile quarter
City, mobile quarter
National according to urban/rural area, mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
Participation rate
Participation rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Occupancy rate
Occupancy rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Labor force
Work force
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Outside the labor force
Outside the work force
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Employed by branch of economic activity (ISIC Rev 4 according to Caenes)
Employed by branch of economic activity (CIIU Rev4 according to Caenes)
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National, according to age group, mobile quarter
Employed according to occupational category
Employed according to occupational category
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
Employed according to occupational group
Employed according to occupational group
National according to occupational group,mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
Employed according to occupational group (ISCO rev.
National according to occupational group,mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
Unemployment rate with available initiators (SU1)
Unemployment rate with available initiators
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National, according to age group, mobile quarter
National, according to educational level, mobile quarter
Combined vacancy rate and involuntary part-time (SU2)
Combined vacancy rate and involuntary part-time (SU2)
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Involuntary partial time rate
Involuntary partial time rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National according to age group, mobile quarter
National according to educational level, mobile quarter
Rate of employed persons seeking employment
Rate of employed persons seeking employment
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to age group, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to educational level, mobile quarter
Salaried employment rate
Salaried employment rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to age group, mobile quarter
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarterNational and regional, according to educational level, mobile quarter
Unemployment rate seasonally adjusted
National by sex, mobile quarter
Labor Informality Statistics
Informal occupation rate
Informal occupation rate
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
Province, mobile quarter
Cities, mobile quarter
Branch of economic activity of the company that pays you, according to sex, mobile quarter
Occupational category, according to sex, mobile quarter
Occupational group, mobile quarter (CIUO08)
Occupational group, mobile quarter (CIUO88)
Company size, mobile quarter
Age section, according to sex, mobile quarter
Workplace, mobile quarter
Educational level, mobile quarter
Informal employed
Informal employed
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
Province, mobile quarter
Cities, mobile quarter
Branch of economic activity of the company that pays you, according to sex, mobile quarter
Occupational category, by sex, moving quarter
Occupational group, mobile quarter (CIUO08)
Occupational group, mobile quarter (CIUO88)
Company size, mobile quarter
Age section, according to sex, mobile quarter
Workplace, mobile quarter
Educational level, mobile quarter
Informal employment rate excluding the agricultural sector
Informal employment rate excluding the agricultural sector
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
Province, mobile quarter
Cities, mobile quarter
Branch of economic activity of the company that pays you, according to sex, mobile quarter
Occupational category, by sex, moving quarter
Employment rate in the informal sector
Employment rate in the informal sector
National and regional, according to sex, mobile quarter
Occupational category, by sex, moving quarter
Supplementary Income Survey (ESI)
Nominal average income of the employed population
Nominal average income of the employed population
National and regional, by sex, year
Province, year
City, year
National, according to urban / rural area, year
National and regional, according to age group by sex, year
National and regional, according to educational level by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational category by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO88)
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
National and regional, by branch of economic activity by sex, year
National and regional, according to sections of usual hours by sex, year
Nominal median income of the employed population
Nominal median income of the employed population
National and regional, by sex, year
Province, year
City, year
National by urban / rural area and year
National and regional, according to age group by sex, year
National and regional, according to educational level by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational category by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO88)
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
National and regional, by branch of economic activity by sex, year
National and regional, according to sections of usual hours by sex, year
Real average income of the employed population
Real average income of the employed population
National and regional, by sex, year
Province, year
City, year
National, according to urban / rural area, year
National and regional, according to age group by sex, year
National and regional, according to educational level by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational category by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO88)
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
National and regional, by branch of economic activity by sex, year
National and regional, according to sections of usual hours by sex, year
Real median income of the employed population
Real median income of the employed population
National and regional, by sex, year
Province, year
City, year
National, according to urban / rural area, year
National and regional, according to age group by sex, year
National and regional, according to educational level by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational category by sex, year
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO88)
National and regional, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
National and regional, by branch of economic activity by sex, year
National and regional, according to sections of usual hours by sex, year
Real income per hour of salaried persons
Real hourly income of salaried persons
National , by sex, year
National, according to educational level by sex, year
National, according to occupational group by sex, year(CIUO88)
National, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
Nominal income per hour of salaried persons
Nominal income per hour of salaried persons
National , by sex, year
National, according to educational level by sex, year
National, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO88)
National, according to occupational group by sex, year (CIUO08)
Average nominal income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector
Nominal average income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector
National and regional, by sex, year
National and regional, according to age group, year
National and regional, according to educational level, year
Nominal median income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector
Nominal median income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector
National and regional, by sex, year
National and regional, according to age group, year
National and regional, according to educational level, year
Average real income of salaried persons with a defined contract
Average real income of salaried persons with a defined contract
National by sex, year
National, according to urban / rural area and year
National, by age group, year
National, according to educational level by sex, year
National, by type of contract defined by sex, year
Gender gap in the average income of the employed population
Gender gap in the average income of the employed population
National and regional, by year
National and regional, according to age group, year
National and regional, according to occupational category, year
National and regional, according to occupational group, year (CIUO88)
National and regional, according to occupational group, year (CIUO08)
National and regional, according to educational level, year
National and regional, by branch of economic activity, year
National and regional, according to sections of usual hours, year
Gender gap of income per hour of the salaried population
Gender gap of income per hour of the salaried population
National, by year
National, according to age group, year
National, according to educational level, year
National, according to occupational group, year (CIUO88)
National, according to occupational group, year (CIUO08)
Proportion of employed persons living below the median income
Proportion of employed persons living below the median income
National and regional, by sex, year
National and regional, according to age group, year
National and regional, according to educational level, year
National and regional, according to occupational category by sex, year
Share of the income of the occupation in household income according to decile
National, by year
Participation of each decile in the total income of households
National, by year
Composition of income by decile of households according to income source
National , by year
Average real income of part-time employees
Average real income of part-time employees
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to age group by sex, year
National, according to educational level by sex, year
National, according to tpv and tpiv, by sex, year
Income per hour of depended employed population
Income per hour of depended employed population
National, by sex and usual hours of work
National, by sex and company size
National, by sex and Branch of Economic Activity
National, by sex and educational level
National, by sex and region
Gender gap in the income per hour of depended employed population
Gender gap in the income per hour of depended employed population
National, by sex and usual hours of work
National, by sex and company size
National, by sex and Branch of Economic Activity
National, by sex and educational level
National, by sex and region
Nominal average income of employeed own account population
Nominal average income of employeed own account population
National, by sex and usual hours of work
National, by sex and workplace
National, by sex and region
Nominal median income of employeed own account population
Nominal median income of employeed own account population
National, by sex and usual hours of work
National, by sex and workplace
National, by sex and region
Gender gap in the nominal average income of employeed own account population
Gender gap in the nominal average income of employeed own account population
National, according to usual working hours, by sex, year
National, according to workplace, by sex, year
National, according to regional, by sex, year
Micro entrepreneurship survey (EME)
Number of microentrepreneurs
Number of microentrepreneurs
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level and sex
National , by age group and sex
Number of informal micro-entrepreneurs
Number of informal micro-entrepreneurs
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Rate of informal micro-entrepreneurs
Rate of informal micro-entrepreneurs
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of microentrepreneurs without access to social security
Number of microentrepreneurs without access to social security
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Rate of micro-entrepreneurs without access to social security
Rate of micro-entrepreneurs without access to social security
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by occupational category
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by occupational category
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by disaggregated occupational category
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by disaggregated occupational category
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by economic activity
Number of micro-entrepreneurs by economic activity
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of micro-entrepreneurs due to micro-enterprise profits
Number of micro-entrepreneurs due to micro-enterprise profits
Number of micro-entrepreneurs due to micro-enterprise profits
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of micro-entrepreneurs according to the total number of workers
Number of micro-entrepreneurs according to the total number of workers
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Average time spent on overall workload
Average time spent on overall workload
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Average time spent on unpaid work
Average time spent on unpaid work
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Average time spent on unpaid domestic tasks
Average time spent on unpaid domestic tasks
Nacional, según sexo, año
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Average time spent on unpaid care tasks
Average time spent on unpaid care tasks
National , by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
National, according to educational level, year
National , by age group, year
Number of microentrepreneurs by primary provider
Number of microentrepreneurs by primary provider
National, by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
Number of microentrepreneurs by type of credit
National, by sex, year
Number of microentrepreneurs by motivation
Number of microentrepreneurs by motivation
National, by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
Number of microentrepreneurs by workplace
National, by sex, year
Number of microentrepreneurs by workplace (agregate)
Number of microentrepreneurs by workplace (agregate)
National, by sex, year
National and regional, by sex, year
Earnings and Labour Costs Survey (IR-ICMO)
Nominal earnings index (base 2016 = 100)
Nominal remuneration index (base 2016=100)
National, monthly
National, according to economic section (CIIU4.CL 2012), monthly
National, by size of companies by number of workers, monthly
National, according to occupational group, monthly
National, according to sex, monthly
Nominal labour costs index (base 2016=100)
Nominal labor cost index (base 2016=100)
National, monthly
National, according to economic section (CIIU4.CL 2012), monthly
National, by size of companies by number of workers, monthly
National, according to occupational group, monthly
National, according to sex, monthly
Real earnings index (base 2016 = 100)
National, monthly
Ordinary earnings for average ordinary hour
National, according to sex, monthly
Nominal earnings index spliced
National, monthly
Nominal labour costs index spliced
National, monthly
Real earnings index spliced
National, monthly
Statistics based on Administrative Registers
Job Reallocation Rate
General, monthly and year
Job Creation Rate
General, monthly and year
Job Destruction Rate
General, monthly and year
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Nominal average income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector
Indicator [2 / 2]
Year [9 / 9]
Region [17 / 17]
Sex [3 / 4]
CISE [3 / 3]
All Dimensions
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Nominal average income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector (2002-based projections)
Nominal average income of salaried persons in the non-agricultural sector (2017-based projections)
Private sector employees
Public sector employees
Nationwide total
816 606
887 184
706 365
993 637
1 170 554
868 986
849 912
925 659
748 373
Region of Arica y Parinacota
628 841
694 779
523 250
966 430
1 067 008
865 649
739 531
800 489
656 087
Region of Tarapacá
762 446
839 356
645 113
961 293
1 068 409
842 428
800 098
878 071
688 231
Region of Antofagasta
1 017 911
1 191 810
699 721
1 146 585
1 320 823
978 298
1 043 067
1 211 919
771 915
Region of Atacama
870 580
996 174
636 839
1 080 421
1 250 999
948 008
922 836
1 042 603
745 178
Region of Coquimbo
677 933
760 366
527 733
711 054
843 849
634 473
684 578
770 757
560 818
Region of Valparaíso
681 216
750 795
571 447
927 718
956 549
909 358
728 439
777 730
663 277
Region Metropolitana de Santiago
936 046
1 002 830
834 594
1 113 194
1 361 764
941 023
960 769
1 038 419
855 290
Region of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O'Higgins
610 379
675 569
496 920
841 132
1 021 834
722 885
659 553
725 543
566 897
Region of Maule
612 103
655 684
543 538
777 504
847 071
735 542
655 214
689 802
612 922
Region of Ñuble
595 033
650 886
502 741
854 577
946 944
797 774
657 390
698 843
603 594
Region of Biobío
692 893
759 203
589 833
917 849
1 108 128
787 135
745 124
817 932
651 798
Region of La Araucanía
610 035
648 728
549 678
892 995
1 065 474
783 572
690 420
732 815
639 328
Region of Los Ríos
656 896
703 192
591 429
1 035 280
1 167 453
934 939
754 764
798 122
702 645
Region of Los Lagos
585 014
629 886
522 342
851 568
974 899
766 696
648 780
692 091
597 759
Region of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
723 323
815 911
608 134
1 288 867
1 450 417
1 118 885
985 965
1 098 288
856 714
Region of Magallanes y La Antártica Chilena
747 678
862 675
583 267
1 321 891
1 394 098
1 243 756
949 547
1 034 749
839 212
Unreliable estimate (Less than 60 cases recorded in the sample, freedom degrees under 9 or coefficient of variation greater than 30%)
Data extracted on 20 Jan 2025 02:32 UTC (GMT) from
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