Data by theme
Region Province CommuneRegion of Arica y ParinacotaRegion of TarapacáRegion of AntofagastaRegion of AtacamaRegion of CoquimboRegion of ValparaísoRegion of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O´HigginsRegion of MauleRegión of BiobíoRegion of La AraucaníaRegion of Los RíosRegion of Los LagosRegion of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibánez del CampoRegion of Magallanes y La Antártica ChilenaRegion Metropolitana de SantiagoRegion of Ñuble
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
1999.. 464.412 292.238 294.219 074.1..15 272.5914.127.0205.1..
2000.. 464.412 292.238 294.219 074.1..15 272.5914.127.0205.1..
2002.. 907.038 294.219 074.1..15 849.0914.127.0205.1..
2003.. 907.038 294.219 074.1..15 849.0914.127.0205.1..
2004.. 907.038 294.219 074.1..15 849.0914.127.0205.1..
2005.. 907.038 294.219 074.1..15 849.0914.10.0205.1..
2006.. 907.038 294.219 074.1..15 849.0914.10.0205.1..
20070. 907.038 294.219 074.110 840.05 365.0914.10.0205.1..
20080. 907.038 294.228 952.310 840.05 365.0914.10.0205.1..
20090. 907.056 641.928 952.310 840.05 365.0914.10.0205.1..
20100. 518.356 641.928 952.310 840.05 365.0914.10.0205.1..
20110. 518.356 641.928 952.310 840.05 365.0914.10.0205.1..
20120. 518.356 641.928 952.310 840.05 365.01 083.00.0205.1..
20130. 518.356 641.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0205.1..
20140. 518.356 641.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.0..
20150. 519.056 641.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.0..
20160. 519.068 687.447 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.0..
20170. 674.868 687.447 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.0..
20180. 674.851 635.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.017 051.8
20190. 674.851 635.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.017 051.8
20200. 674.851 635.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.017 051.8
20210. 184.6545.728 674.851 635.947 639.517 866.012 799.31 083.00.0218.017 051.8
20220. 184.6545.728 674.851 635.943 123.613 762.212 407.41 083.00.0509.617 051.8
20230. 184.62 152.628 674.851 635.943 123.613 762.212 407.41 083.00.0509.617 051.8
Data extracted on 18 Feb 2025 02:38 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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