Data by theme
Region Province CommuneRegion of Arica y ParinacotaRegion of TarapacáRegion of AntofagastaRegion of AtacamaRegion of CoquimboRegion of ValparaísoRegion of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O´HigginsRegion of MauleRegión of BiobíoRegion of La AraucaníaRegion of Los RíosRegion of Los LagosRegion of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibánez del CampoRegion of Magallanes y La Antártica ChilenaRegion Metropolitana de SantiagoRegion of Ñuble
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
1999..26 975.23 411.20.01 839.965 012.8100 743.6413 335.5939 420.2359 906.2..196 356.67 108.810.54 884.1..
2000..26 975.23 411.20.01 839.965 012.8100 743.6413 335.5939 420.2359 906.2..196 356.67 108.810.54 884.1..
2002..26 975.23 411.20.01 839.965 012.8112 297.0503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2..219 124.07 109.010.56 270.1..
2003..26 975.23 411.20.01 839.964 188.7112 297.0503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2..219 124.07 109.110.56 270.1..
2004..26 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.7112 297.0503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2..219 124.07 109.110.56 270.1..
2005..26 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.7119 756.1503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2..219 124.07 109.122.86 270.1..
2006..26 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.7119 756.1503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2..219 124.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20070.026 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.7119 756.1503 213.0984 577.0359 906.2179 544.554 223.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20080.026 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.7119 756.1503 213.0984 577.0572 184.4179 544.554 223.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20090.026 975.23 411.20.02 938.764 188.7119 756.1503 213.01 227 787.6572 184.4179 544.554 223.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20100.026 975.23 411.20.02 938.764 188.7119 756.1607 594.01 227 788.6572 184.4179 544.554 223.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20110.026 975.23 411.20.02 938.764 188.7119 756.1607 594.01 227 788.6572 184.4179 544.554 223.07 109.122.86 270.1..
20120.026 975.23 411.20.02 938.764 188.7119 756.1607 594.01 227 788.6572 184.4179 544.554 223.032 017.322.86 270.1..
20130.026 975.23 411.20.02 936.864 188.8119 755.1607 594.51 227 788.6632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.86 270.1..
201420.826 974.93 411.20.02 936.868 757.8130 536.4607 593.81 227 788.6632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0..
201520.826 974.93 411.20.012 285.168 757.9130 536.4607 594.01 227 788.0632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0..
201620.826 975.03 411.20.012 285.168 757.9130 536.4607 594.01 255 890.0632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0..
201720.829 264.23 411.20.012 285.168 757.9130 536.4634 893.51 255 890.0632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0..
201820.829 264.23 411.2276.412 285.168 757.9130 536.4634 893.5875 178.4632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0380 714.9
201920.829 264.23 411.2276.412 285.168 757.9130 536.4634 893.5875 178.4632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.322.89 181.0380 714.9
202020.829 264.23 049.9276.412 285.168 757.9130 536.4634 893.5875 178.4632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.3286.29 181.0380 714.9
202120.829 264.23 049.9276.412 285.176 618.1130 536.4634 893.5875 178.4632 289.0208 775.296 598.832 017.3286.29 181.0380 714.9
202220.829 264.23 049.9276.412 285.176 601.6130 536.4634 893.5875 178.4652 645.7211 722.398 361.832 017.3286.29 317.5380 714.9
Data extracted on 13 Dec 2024 01:40 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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