Data by theme
Region Province CommuneRegion of Arica y ParinacotaRegion of TarapacáRegion of AntofagastaRegion of AtacamaRegion of CoquimboRegion of ValparaísoRegion of Libertador Gral. Bernardo O´HigginsRegion of MauleRegión of BiobíoRegion of La AraucaníaRegion of Los RíosRegion of Los LagosRegion of Aysén del Gral. Carlos Ibánez del CampoRegion of Magallanes y La Antártica ChilenaRegion Metropolitana de Santiago
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
1999..9 381. 738.67 234.1348.3..36 171.236 599.0281 296.80.0
2000..9 381. 736.67 324.1348.3..36 171.236 599.0281 296.80.0
2002..9 381. 489.6614.0348.3..36 171.236 599.0281 296.80.0
2003..9 381. 489.6614.0348.3..36 171.236 599.0281 296.80.0
2004..9 381. 489.6614.0348.3..36 171.236 599.0281 296.80.0
2005..9 381. 489.6614.0348.3..36 171.236 599.0273 816.10.0
2006..9 381. 489.6614.0348.3..36 171.236 599.0273 816.10.0
20070.09 381. 489.6614.0348.30.021 541.836 599.0273 808.40.0
20080.09 381. 489.6614.034.90.021 541.836 599.0273 808.40.0
20090.09 381. 489. 541.836 599.0273 808.40.0
20140.09 381. 808.40.0
20150.09 381. 808.40.0
20160.09 381. 808.40.0
2017..........................273 808.4..
2018..........................273 808.4..
2019..........................273 808.4..
2020..........................331 198.9..
2021..........................331 198.9..
2022..........................331 198.9..
Data extracted on 13 Dec 2024 02:20 UTC (GMT) fromMyOECD


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