Data by theme
Welcome to INE.Stat

Welcome to INE.Stat

What is INE.Stat?

INE.Stat is a flexible, interactive and free-use repository of statistical data, managed by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

INE.Stat gives the user the possibility to search for statistical indicator data by source of information (for example, name of the survey), topic of interest, keyword or using the thematic tree of the platform. The flexibility of the platform allows the user to customize the display of their queries and modify the layout of the rows, columns and filters in the tables.

Along with the data, INE.Stat makes available to the users methodological information known as metadata. These metadata include methodological sheets that describe the indicators, relevant information about the variables or series, and even, footnotes regarding specific data. Additionally, the user can export each query tabulated in xls, csv and sdmx-xml formats (information exchange format between applications).

In the first instance, INE.Stat provides data on indicators of the labor market and the environment, however, the institutional challenge is to advance in the incorporation of a greater number of indicators covering different topics related to national statistics, whether produced by the INE or by other institutions within the country.

About the publication in INE.Stat

In the case of products with a monthly data update, the publication in INE.Stat is made 48 business hours after the publication on our official website.

For more information

We invite you to download the User Guide located in the upper right part of the screen, or, write us to the mail.

Guía del usuario


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